Monday, October 27, 2008


I must say I really kinda liked this tag- probably because it's different from the rest. Rules are simple- you post the 4th photo out of the 4th folder in your picture files, then tag 4 friends. My 4th folder happened to be Disneyland pics from a couple of years ago, and the 4th pic is of my father-in-law Jay sporting some groovy shades in the Bug's Life theatre. I have to tell you, I absolutely love my father-in-law. You rarely meet someone who would give up just about anything to help someone else out, and that's him. He's taken care of others his whole life, and if anyone has earned an awesome mansion in the next life, he most certainly has. Jay has the most interesting sense of humor, and if you ask anyone in the family they could undoubtedly quote a few choice jokes that he's dropped during Sunday dinner. I remember most vividly a certain Winnie the Pooh joke that he told for my benefit the first time I had Sunday dinner with Zane's family when we were dating. Thanks, Jay- I still laugh when I remember that one! Anyways, that was a fun trip down memory lane, so now for the tagging part. Kim, Lyndsey, Selina, and Shantelle M.- hope you guys have a good time with this one- I did!


Melissa O said...

Your father in law is so nice. What a good guy. Love the picture.

Cassie said...

I love Jay and Marla like family! They truely are great people!! Tell Zane hi!!

Kim Felt said...

oh I love the picture! I can't wait to see what mine will be.

Andrew and Lyndsey Richardson said...

Bet Jay loves this one! I'll get around to it soon, wonder what mine will be.

The Beardall's said...

I love your father in law. He is a great guy. He is the same age as my dad. It makes me miss him. Jay is one of the best.

M said...

Anyone related to Zane has got to be fantastic! How fun that his dad is easy to love too.