Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Stinkin' Birthday Maycie

As you might have guessed from the title of this post, I was not too thrilled with the thought of my youngest having a birthday. Birthdays are what you have when you start to grow up, and I was not prepared to face the fact that Maycie was going to do just that. Something about the fact that she may be my last baby scares me, and I wasn't ready to watch time play it's cruel trick and start slipping by- just as it has with my other three kids. It's not fair! (And yes, if you're reading this Mom, I know that life's not fair.) I just wanted this last year to drag by so slowly so I could savor this precious baby time, because we all know that it will be gone soon enough. It's just not fair. So Maycie's birthday inevitably came last Wednesday, June 18th. I held out letting her be officially one until 9:10pm, the exact moment she was born last year. When it came, I cried. I'm even starting to cry again just thinking about it. I'm sure you're all thinking that I'm really dumb, and I'm even agreeing with you, but I just can't help it. I don't know why this is so hard for me, so if there's any Psych majors out there reading this, please feel free to share. Anyways, moving on. Happy birthday Maycie! I love that baby to death and I wanted it to be a fun birthday for her, despite the fact that I was having a partial breakdown and she wouldn't even remember any of it. I invited our family to come have a picnic and celebrate at the Spanish Fork Resevoir, and the weather was perfect. Maycie was darling in her new swimming suit, and she had a ball splashing in the water and playing in the sand (okay, she mostly just tried to eat the sand). All the kids had a great time and the adults got to sit and visit. I wanted Maycie to have a polka-dotted cake, so I slaved for a couple of hours making one. Just call me Betty Crocker, because it turned out pretty darn cute (even though I left the candle at home, so Zane made one out of a piece of rolled up napkin which we lit on fire). My Mom's friend made a small cake just for Maycie with fondant and polka dots to match. It was so stinking cute watching her pull off the polka dots then stick her fingers in the holes that they left. Apparantly Maycie really likes chocolate cake, because she destroyed it. She also figured out that she liked ripping the paper off of the presents even more than she liked what was in them. All in all it was a really nice day, and at the end of it, I was just so glad that I have such a wonderful baby- a beautiful, smart, silly, snuggly (stubborn, nap-hating, garbage-digging), fun and lovable baby. A baby that wraps her little arms around my neck and gives the tightest hugs whenever I need them. So, because I love my little Maycie Rue so much, I just might decide to let her have another birthday- in about five years or so.


Anonymous said...

She is so CUTE Bri! I didn't even know it was her happy birthday Maycie! But if I would have been smart and put two and two together I could have figured it out! Dang it!

Melissa O said...

Oh my heck that is so cute. I loved your cake. Very Very cute. You are so good. I love the picture where macie is head first in the cake.

I totally know what you're talking about when you say you don't want them to grow up. UGH I love them small and cute and thinking that their mothers know everything. You are such a great mom. good job.

Kim Felt said...

I LOVE THE CAKE! How did you make the polka dots? That looked like so much fun. We will have to come down and go spend the day there, since I spent maycie's b-day at the Dr. with bryson. (story of my life). She is the cutest little thing ever!

Alysha said...

Bri- you are getting old!! ha ha! I love Maycie!! she is my favorite little girl!

Andrew and Lyndsey Richardson said...

Oh- Happy Birthday little Maycie Rue. I was so sad to have missed all the fun. How on Earth do you train your kids to dig into the cake. Both of mine- wimps! You never are aware as a kid how your fun-I've been excited for the whole month beforehand attitude is not exactly shared by your mother.

Alysha said...