Hello again, it's time for another tag! (Thanks Kath and Selina!) I'm gonna try to be brief here (yeah, right) and get through it quickly. Kathleen's tag is the 6 quirks tag, and Selina's is the 7 crazy quirks tag. Since they are about the same, I'll combine them and save myself from trying to think up 13 quirks- though for those of you who know me, I am mostly made up of quirks. There's probably only 6 or 7 normal things about me! The rules go as follows: You post a link to the person's blog who tagged you, list 6 (or 7) quirks including habits or unusual things about yourself, tag 6 (or 7) people, and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they've been tagged. So let's go.
1. I'm OCD. I've mentioned this before, so I'll just leave it at that. If anyone is really interested in the details of this, they can check out my previous tag posts.
2. I can't not finish a book or movie, even if I think it's really stupid. Once I start one, I just have to know how it ends. I'll suffer through the most boring stuff just to not leave the story unfinished. It's also impossible for me to fall asleep during a movie, no matter how dumb it is or how tired I am. My brain just won't let me.
3. I buy things I really want and then never get around to using them. It's not like compulsive buying- I think about things and decide carefully before I make a purchase, and I'm usually happy with the decision. I just don't get around to putting things together, setting things up, or if it's something to wear, I'll save it for nice occasions because I want to keep it looking perfect. I know- it's stupid.
4. If my house starts to get really messy, I get overwhelmed and can't stand it. I'll leave and go somewhere just so I don't have to look at it, but then it just gets worse and I feel worse. When I finally build up enough drive to dive in, I can't stop for anything until it's done- if my kids are hungry, they'll just have to fend for themselves. If my hubby needs something, he'll just have to wait. Okay, I will take a break to go get a Pepsi. Oh, yeah- if anyone shows up at my door while I'm in cleaning mode, I'll hide stuff in the oven.
5. I comment during TV shows and movies. I can't help it, my inner thoughts just slip out. I do try to limit it to when there's no dialogue going on, though. Let's just say I had a field day during the Twilight movie! (p.s. I'm a freak about Twilight, so if anyone knocks the movie or any of it's characters in any way, you'll have to answer to me!!)
6. I stay up late almost every night. It doesn't matter how many times I've told myself to go to bed earlier, I just can't. Even if I'm tired, I find my second wind and can't seem to settle down till long past midnight. Maybe it's because that's the only time I have to myself, when everyone is asleep and it's quiet. I catch up on reading, my favorite shows I've missed, and blogging (of course)!
7. I'm a freak about jeans right now. I would have to say it's my newest obsession. I've gotten into googling different styles and finding them on the Internet. The more detail on the pockets, the better! I've found some really good deals on some cute brands, and my favorites list is miles long with fun stores and cool styles.
Lastly, we get to the tagging other people part. I'm not sure who's already done this one, so feel free to ignore this if you have. Jami E., Haley E., Sheri G., Angie J., Candace A., Melissa T., and Melissa O.- have fun!!